Introduction to Detoxification

We have all heard the word detoxification and also how good it is for our health to ‘have a detox’. But what is detoxification?

Our daily lives expose us to all sorts of toxins and impurities – from the food we eat, the air we breathe and medication we take as well as household cleaning products and cosmetics, not to mention the consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

Detoxification is a natural function carried out by our bodies every second of the day. It is the process which clears those toxins by changing them to less harmful substances before they are excreted from the body. Generally people think only of the liver when they hear ‘detox’ but there are other body systems involved including the gastro-intestinal and the urinary systems as well as lymph and the skin. 

Sometimes the amount of toxins we are exposed to can overwhelm our system and that is when we need to consider a detoxification program which is supervised by a qualified professional.  It’s a matter of providing support to a natural process to improve your health.

How do you know if you need a detox?  The following is a list of symptoms which can indicate a detox program would be beneficial to your health:

  • fatigue / lack of energy
  • headaches / brain fog
  • sluggish bowel / bloating
  • allergies
  • menstrual problems
  • skin problems
  • puffy eyes or bags under the eyes
  • body aches and pains

Any occupation which exposes you to chemicals on a regular basis, should consider an annual detox program.  These include beauty therapists, hairdressers, gardeners, pest controllers, aircrew, painters and anyone who works with metals, in an industrial area or in a mine.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not detox.  Given side effects are possible from a detox, anyone (especially those with chronic, long term illnesses) should be supervised by a qualified professional.