Everybody needs some ‘me’ time in which you can do something you enjoy. Ideally you should schedule it in its day, but our busy lifestyles often prohibit this from happening. At the very least you should have your own time once a week.
Generally any kind of physical activity can help to reduce your levels of stress – go for a walk or a bike ride; workout at the gym; spend time in the garden; enjoy some yoga or Tai Chi. Just being outdoors in a park or forest can have a calming influence.
You can get a massage or splurge and have a facial. Take a long bath, read a good book or watch a comedy. Music can also change your mood, so put on the ipod and dance around the living room.
Time with friends should be relaxing and if you can’t get together then make a phone call and have a chat.
Try a stress journal. Write down what makes you stressed, how you felt and what you did to make yourself feel better.
Deep breathing exercises and meditation can also help to calm the mind. If you find mediation on your own difficult, then try a group session or maybe a guided meditation at home. There are many websites which offer guided meditations.
Have you tried relaxation techniques but still feel stressed? Do you feel your stress is overwhelming and you need some support? Please contact us for a consultation so we can provide you with a tailored treatment plan to help support you and reduce the effects of stress. We can also do a number of tests to assess what impact stress is having on your body.